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Triangle Marketing Club’s Mission


Are you looking to make connections and transition into professional life? Connect with us to learn how to network, find your path in marketing, and a find a great culture fit for your first job. One that will let you thrive, not just survive.


Are you a professional looking to make valuable connections in the Triangle Area? Are you looking to show off your marketing knowledge through a presentation or guest blogging? Connect with us to get updates on the monthly meetings and to connect with other talented marketers.


Are you a seasoned professional looking to serve as a mentor to the next generation of Talented Marketers? Connect with us to help teach younger generations how to network, help them establish a few connections, and take pride that you’ve helped make the Triangle a slightly better place to live. All one connection at a time.


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We are the Fastest Growing & Most Active Marketing Meetup Group in the Southeast

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Want to let people know about it?

2 minute pitch to our event audience
Who you are, what you do, & why you’re different
No sales pitch – focus on the value proposition

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Presentations from Past Meetup Events


TMC #32 Mapping The Prevailing Digital Path to Purchase – John Andrews presenting

TMC #27 Journey Mapping for Marketers with Cait Vlastakis Smith of PointSource

TMC #28 Friction: It's All That Matters

TMC Meetup #21 Managing Scope Creep & Client Expectations

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